We have been learning about Volume and Mass. We now know that Mass = weight. Weight is measured in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) and Volume = how much a container can hold. Volume is measured in liters (L) and Milliliters (mL).
I found out that the volume of two Powerade bottles is the same as one 1.5 L coke bottle. 750 mL + 750 mL = 1.5L
By Charlotte

We are weighing classroom objects. First we estimate the weight and then we check. These scissors weigh 50 grams = 50g
(These are our thinking faces)
By Emma

Our task was to estimate and weigh classroom objects. I am weighing a stopwatch. I think it will weigh 20g... The actual weight was 50g.

We are weighing a felt pen.
We all think it will weigh 20g. But it weighed 10g. We were close.

This is fun and interesting. Here we are weighing a pencil case. It weighs 348g, we also learnt that there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram.